Noise enhancement wind analysis program

The NEWA (noise enhancement wind analysis) program assists people in analysing meteorological data to determine whether wind is a 'feature' of an area as defined by the NSW Industrial Noise Policy.

About the program

The NEWA calculator (ZIP - 347KB) uses the following data

Noise enhancement wind analysis program
  • meteorological data
  • noise source location
  • receiver location
  • wind speed range
  • angle of winds

Also accompanying the NEWA program are

  • sample files of meteorological data
  • NEWA user notes
  • A background report.

What you need to run NEWA

Before using the program you must have access to computer-compatible meteorological data file(s) that represent wind conditions in the area where the assessment is to be applied. The data should cover the seasons and periods (day, evening or night) which need to be considered in the assessment.

Suitable data can be obtained from a number of sources including the Bureau of Meteorology, Sydney Water, the Environment Protection Authority, consultants and industries.

The program can process data in three different formats including 'comma separated values' (CSV). This allows the user to easily prepare any data file into the required format from a number of sources (for example the Bureau of Meteorology) using a spreadsheet or a text editor usually with only a modest amount of manipulation.

Note: Weather stations record the direction from which the wind is blowing, relative to True North. It is expressed in degrees measured clockwise from geographical (true) north. NEWA follows this convention. This can be confirmed using the single direction sample files accompanying the program.

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